Monday, January 19, 2009

surprise visit and welcome to little mac!

Little Mac came to be with us on on Saturday afternoon - a sunny and warm Kansas City afternoon. He weighs just over 5 pounds (according to the website) and is pure joy! The graphics are outstanding which means our photos look incredible... music plays and sounds sooo good... and all-in-all this is easy to use and designed in such a common-sensicle way.  A huge thank-you to Meghan & Stephen for all of their help in selecting this macbook and getting things set-up (personalized -- there's very little set up involved!).

This is our Little Mac - straight from the cute little box and not even powered up yet! I'm looking forward ichat-ting with Stephen & Meghan tonight by video. :) 

Now we need to encourage those with our grandchildren to head the Mac direction!!


The Blackley Tribe said...

as far as Jason is concerned, the Mac is the way to go! We may have to invest in one soon...but its hard to shell out the $$$. We'll see, keep talkin it up and we'll probably cave! I'm glad you're pleased with your purchase!

pianojess21 said...

Hello! This is Jessie-I am Pat Schaaf's granddaughter and I was just looking at my aunt's blog (janet) and you are a follower on there and I then I was reading your blog...anyway just wanted to explain how I found you. I also just wanted to say that you made a fabulous choice with your mac purchase!!! I have the same computer and I LOVE it! I would not trade it for anything. My sister has a Macbook as well. We are pretty much mac obsessed! So good pick!