Sunday, November 2, 2008

fall back

It's 2:22 am and I think I've already used up my precious extra hour this year. I can think of a myriad of other ways to do so -- sleep is definately at the top of the list!

It's a chain-reaction... Erika came in late and decided to take a shower; Isabelle whines because she misses Erika who's behind a closed door. Her whines is so high pitched, though not necessarily loud, that it wakes me up from a dead sleep and a deep dream.

I get up, let her outside to potty, which she is very anxious to do. While I'm laying on the couch dozing & waiting for her to do her thing I realize the clothes dryer is running. Strange (or maybe not!) I had put a load in the dryer at 10:00 and that would have been finished well before now...

Isabelle comes in and we head to the basement. Sure enough, my load, now dry, is crammed inside a small laundry basket-jeans & towels and the denim skirt I'm wearing to church in the morning. (Oh, yeah, this is morning!)

I'd started a huge load of perm press before I went to bed (the 1st time) which has been moved to the dryer! Argh! Erika's "extra-small" load, now in the washer, took my place.

So back to the couch to doze (oh, and E is still showering) and I realize my nose is bleeding. In the dark I thought just one side of it was running very steady till I realized the icky feeling in the back of my throat.

This is only the 2nd bloody nose I've had in my life. I learned from the 1st time, about a month ago... pinch the bridge for 10 minutes (what is 10 minutes, in the dark, in the middle of the night??), resist the temptation to "check it". Repeat if necessary.

Erika gets out of the shower, takes Isabelle, and they go to bed! (What's wrong with this picture??) I'm left pinching my nose for round 2.

I'm now waiting for my clothes to finish drying.

And how did you spend your extra hour of time this year?


Teresa said...

oh, and round 2 took care of my nose. I'm now heading back to bed, with clean laundry (and my McCain*Palin tshirt!).
Approximate time awake: 1 hour, 15 min.

theknittels said...

I spent my extra hour reading about nationalism in late 19th century Europe

What is with your nose?

Teresa said...

I have no idea. I think it's from my nasal spray for hay fever but not sure.