Monday, November 10, 2008

Loving Micah

We're so excited! We heard from Jason & Dollie and this next weekend works for us to visit. We're leaving for Iowa City on Friday to see Micah on Saturday. (Oh, yeah, Jason & Dollie, too... j/k guys! We're very excited to see you, too!)

We're planning to go as far as Des Moines Friday night which will make for much less driving Saturday. I love to drive and get my 2nd wind at night so it works perfect for me to be the late night-er.

Needless to say, we're very much looking forward to this trip! The camera battery will be charged and packed and that's really all we need. Well, ok, we'll bring toothbrushes, too. And hairbrushes, we need a brush. And a change of clothes, we'll need clean clothes...

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